Tag Archives: firefly

“Shoot, Quick!” Episode 7

After a brief hiatus, we are back with a brand new episode of our podcast. What’s that you say? The Flash just aired yesterday and Arrow is back tonight, but we still got together to bring you a show where we talk about other TV shows we love and give our recommendations. Find out what you should be watching by listening right HERE.
We’re back to our regularly scheduled program next week. Happy Hump Day!

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It Happened This Week…

This week’s edition of my nerdy news round-up will be short and sweet as I am currently in a hotel room for a work conference so I don’t have enough time to peruse all of my usual sources to give you a complete picture. Here’s what jumped out at me:

First things first, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Apparently Marvel had plans on running the Age of Ultron trailer during Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. next week but of course it leaked yesterday. I can’t post a video on here since it probably will be pulled down by the time you read this. However I have seen it and WOW. Now go forth and try to watch it somewhere before Marvel finds it.

…in Gotham
In what might entice me to keep up with Gotham (I’m currently two episodes behind), they cast Firefly alumni Morena Baccarin as Dr. Leslie Thompkins, an ally of Batman.

…in the TARDIS

I didn’t think much of last week’s Doctor Who episode but ended up loving it so I’m very much back on board Capaldi’s season (not that I was ever off but all the more so now).

…in the digital world
Warner Bros. announced that through their new digital production unit they’re making a Static Shock live-action show. (Also Mortal Kombat YAY!)

…in The Flash & Arrow casting news
The Mary Sue can explain the latest developments better than I can. But come on Arrow, you’re better than this.

…in Middle-Earth


Happy Thursday!

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