Tag Archives: essentials

Winter Beauty Essentials

Happy Monday! It’ll be November by the end of the week, which made me think about updating my beauty routine for winter. The change of the season means adding a few products to my arsenal that’ll help me battle the cold, sometimes harsh Canadian weather from head to toe:

1. A little something to prevent hat hair.
2. Argan oil + SPF = A winning combination
3. Waterproof eyeliner in case of snow or sleet
4. In order to enhance already-rosy cheeks
5. Chapped lips, begone!
6. A scrub that’s both scrumptious and smoothing.

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Road Trip Essentials

Happy Victoria Day! Having grown up in Quebec, I didn’t really celebrate it but I guess it’s a bigger deal in Ontario. So much so that everything’s closed and therefore we could not rent a car until tomorrow for our road trip to the Midwest. Today will be spent packing and preparing for the long drive. Here are a few must-haves in case you’re hitting the open road this summer:

1. A bright bag big enough for all your stuff.
2. I’m thinking of getting this fun camera that gives photos a vintage look.
3. Music is an absolute must and I take my playlists seriously.
4. Sunglasses become part of any outfit I wear on the road.
5. Comfy shoes. ‘Nuff said.

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