Tag Archives: tiffany

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! Hope everyone had a great week. Since this is my first Friday Favorites post of the year, let me share some of the best holiday moments from my stay in Montreal:

Place des Arts
Amazing craft beer from the local dépanneur (Why can’t we have this in Ontario?!)
The beautiful tree at my sister and her boyfriend’s place
Something blue from the boyfriend
Bûche de Noël
Amazing raclette before

Hope your holidays were equally as wonderful and that your weekend will be as well!

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Filed under Food, Friday Favorites, Travel

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! I’m not sure if it’s the weather, but I could not wait for this week to be over. On Tuesday, my boss asked me if it was Friday yet. Here’s to my favorite things from this week and to making the most of the weekend.

Shoutout to Dlish Cupcakes for their amazing twitter contest! I won cupcakes and tickets to the Mockingjay Part 1 premiere, which turned out to be a good thing since I could’ve just waited for it to come out on DVD. I’ll probably write a review on it for next week.

Loving the Second Cup holiday cups this year since they’re Tiffany blue.

The new board game cafe that just opened up next to our apartment is pretty sweet.

Start your weekend off right with this gem:

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Filed under Fandom, Food, Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday one and all! Hope you had a terrific week. I’m very excited for the Lorde concert I’m going to tonight. But before we look to the weekend, here are some of my favorite things from this week:

Our friend Greg gave us these sweet Game of Thrones coasters to add to our collection:
Wednesday was Games Night where we played and had my new go-to beer. Speaking of, did you know it’s Toronto Beer Week?
I forgot to post my Fan Expo outfit last week, so here it is. Two seconds after exiting my building, I already got a compliment on the skirt. I’m really going to miss wearing it!
I love this “Thank You” card we received yesterday. It matches our kitchen!
And finally, obsession of the week:

Have an awesome weekend!

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Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone! I think this Friday is a happier one than usual given the three-day weekend coming up. It’s also Valentine’s Day today aka Season 2 premiere of House of Cards. If you’ve read my post on Tuesday, then you’ll know exactly what my plans are for today and a good chunk of this weekend. But I also want to share a few of my favorite things from this past week.

We had a great start to the week on Monday by going on a double date at a board game bar. Although we thought the drinks and food were average and overpriced, we did discover a super fun game called Tsuro of the Seas.
Speaking of dates, here are my date night essentials:
On Tuesday, the boyfriend and I celebrated our 4-year anniversary. It was such a perfect day, from sleeping in to having an amazing Winterlicious lunch at Bannock
to a casual but mind-blowingly mouthwatering dinner at The Stockyards.
Despite the cold, we also went to a lot of our favorite places in the city before going back home to watch my favorite, Pride & Prejudice. As if the day wasn’t awesome enough as it is, I also received a pretty wonderful gift, the complete series of Friends on Blu-Ray.
All in all, I’m very grateful to have shared an amazing four years with my best friend and look forward to our future. Hope everyone has a safe and great long weekend.
P.S. This week, the blog also reached 3000 views, another thing I’m thankful for!

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Filed under Fandom, Fashion, Food, Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone! If you’ve read Wednesday’s post, then you know what I’m excited for this weekend. But here are a few things from this week that I loved:

We all need a little Audrey in our lives. She makes going to the grocery a little more special.

I found this recipe for Oven-Braised Mexican Beef and couldn’t wait to try it. Verdict? It was amaze-balls! It just melts in your mouth and the flavors are incredible. We had it on tortillas the first night and with salsa rice the next. Must. Make. Again.

One of my favorite YouTube channels, How It Should Have Ended (HISHE for short) uploaded a new video and it’s hilarious! Here’s how The Desolation of Smaug should have ended:

I also want to take the time and talk about this amazing campaign that David’s Tea is running. As you probably know by now from my multiple reviews, I love David’s Tea. I live a few blocks from one and the people who work there are just so awesome. And now from January 15-28th, they’re donating a cup to a local hunger relief charity for every cup you buy! So go forth and drink tea!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Filed under Fandom, Fashion, Food, Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Christmas is over and I’m experiencing the usual low that follows my favorite time of year. I’m super grateful to have spent it with my family who despite an ice storm drove all the way from Montreal. We watched Christmas movies together and had an amazing Filipino Christmas Eve dinner as well as an equally filling Christmas Day brunch before they had to drive off again. Here are a few of my favorite things from this week:

My festive puppy finally made a visit to the big city!
The ultimate holiday drink in my opinion: Sortilège (Canadian whisky and pure maple syrup) and Eggnog
I received a little blue box for the fourth Christmas in a row from my wonderful boyfriend!
My mom and sister knew exactly what I wanted and needed this year:
No Christmas is complete without nerdy gifts, this year they were from my boyfriend’s sister:
My in-laws sent us a gift basket that included this amazing pancake mix that included a cinnamon streusel topping that you had to swirl into the batter:
Hope everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends. Here’s to a great weekend and let the countdown to 2014 begin!

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Filed under Fandom, Fashion, Food, Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

‘Tis the season indeed. This week, I’ve started to get into the holiday mindset. Gifts are being bought, decorations are being brought out and I’m excited to bake my first batch of Christmas cookies.

All week I’ve been doing my holiday gift guides but I’ve also been out shopping. I was walking down Bloor Street and found out that Tiffany & Co has moved locations. I love their new storefront and their holiday window displays.
I also stopped by Dlish Cupcakes to sample their limited edition flavor of the month: Gingerbread. It’s lined with a German wafer and topped with cream cheese frosting. The wafer adds an interesting texture while providing the perfect balance between the sweet frosting and the gingerbread spice. Don’t walk but run to your nearest Dlish Cupcakes to try one before December ends!
Last but not least, I was super excited to find out that Gal Gadot from the Fast and Furious franchise has been cast as Wonder Woman in the Man of Steel sequel. While a lot of people are expressing their disappointment or dismay, personally I think they made a great choice.

Hope everyone has a happy weekend!

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Filed under Fandom, Fashion, Food, Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

With the 50th anniversary of the longest running sci-fi show ever, Doctor Who, my plans this weekend are pretty much set. I’m looking forward to logging in hours of couch time to finally get caught up and hopefully watch The Day of The Doctor on Monday night. After a lazy weekend, I’ll be busy next week hosting American Thanksgiving, a tradition my boyfriend and I have started three years ago when he was complaining about how early Canadian Thanksgiving was.

So while next Friday’s Favorites will probably include turkey, this week’s edition is all about things I love in my apartment:

My Breakfast at Tiffany’s inspired kitchen

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These Christmas cookie cutters I can’t wait to use


Our living room’s pièce de résistance


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Filed under Fandom, Fashion, Food, Friday Favorites